Saturday, February 14, 2009

Define Intelligent and what is your "intelligent" ?? Tell me !!

As your all know last night was valentine's day, and i have no place to go. When my friends called me to "lemongrass", i just follow them to go there.

Then at there, my friend go "sembang sembang" with a guy from Europe, well i have forget his name... sorry ... Europe guy. haha!!

We sit at same table, after some talking, suddenly he asked us with the question sound as" What is your intelligent and that intelligent must be a good intelligent."

At that moment i really get stuck with that question. OMG ! i really take some times with that question, u know. This is because im not good at evaluating myself.

So, some of my friend answer it first. I have 3 friends with me that night, the 1st one get to answer is say that" im good at management planing, organizing , and etc" Just after he finish Answer the Europe guy say " good , good answer which you know your self well" that is saying to my friend. Then its my 2nd friend turn, so his answer sound like this " im good at socializing, business planning etc." So that that Europe guy quite pleased with that answer too.

So now is my turn, and im saying in my self at 1st, "shit!! omg !! my turn again !! what is my answer???? " Then something flashed out my mind, why don't i ask him back ," what is his definition with the word intelligent?" then he answered," well, for me, intelligent is something you good at, its maybe your skill, techniques, experience, so it can be anything, and my intelligent is I have a good eyes side so that i can see what is coming forward in life. i know what im doing for now, future and for my past action. and that's what my intelligent is."

So at that moment i know that, each individuals have their definition for every words in their own mind. And my answer is, im good at choosing friend, know which kind of friends can be closer and which kind of friends should not do so" then that Europe Guy say " very good, so u are good in choosing friends, that maybe you are the one that makes all friend together as a group, maybe its true , who knows? AND THAT YOUR GOOD INTELLIGENT"

I answer like that is because , i really don't know what im good at, other then having some bunch of good friend in my life, and i really appreciate it, i really do. SO friendship forever friends.

So the story ended there, and im at here would like to continue this question " how do u define intelligent, and what is your intelligent?" you all may leave your comments here, i would pleased to read it. thanks a lot

1 comment:

  1. wa~~~~~你嘴巴讲话几甜一下咯。。讲自己会选朋友。。。那么你的朋友听了,心里不是感觉很窝心咯。。哈哈。。。

    我也没什么特别优秀的地方。。。就觉得什么都平平凡凡酱 =_=

    暂时想不到。。。。不如你告诉我咯。。正所谓:“旁观者清” 。。。 自己或许也不了解自己。。。哈哈。。

    给我一天时间,明天再来好好的回答你。。。 ^^
